

When referring to God, I am speaking of the Judeo-Christian god spoken of in the old and new testaments of the Bible.  Christians have given their god certain criteria, which include. . .
    1.   The creator and ruler of the universe.
    2.   Possessed unlimited powers, ability to do anything (omnipotent).
    3.   Having total and complete knowledge of everything (omniscient).
    4.   Completely free of evil and hate (omnibenevolent).
    5.   Existing everywhere (omnipresent).
    6.   Perfect and flawless in every way.

All the above descriptions are of course absolute.

God the Creator
Christians insist that everything had to have a first cause, and that cause was God.  Well if everything had to have a first cause, then where did God come from?  If the universe needed a cause, why doesn't God need a cause? Christians claim that God is eternal and didn't need a creator.  It's just as easy to say that the universe is eternal and didn't need a creator.

God the Omnipotent
As a believer, I never doubted the ability of God to be able to do anything.  Jesus said ‘with God, ALL things are possible’.  I accepted that God was all-powerful and could do anything, no matter how illogical it may have seemed.  But are there some things that an all-powerful god can't do?  What about the illogical?  Could God create an immovable object and an irresistible force to exist at the same time, in the same universe?  What about the not so illogical? Could such a god (if he existed) create a being that is even greater and more powerful then himself?

God the Omniscient
One of the foremost problems with God's omniscience, is that it is incompatible with man's free will. If man has free will to make any choice he so desires, how could God know what choices man will make?  The biggest problem I have with an omniscient God, is that an all knowing God would have foreknowledge of the destinies of every being in which he created, long before he created them.  Now if God already knows which of those will go to Heaven and which of those will go to Hell, then God purposely creates people to send them to Hell.  How can an all loving God; a God whose greatest desire is that every person accepts him and gets into Heaven for all eternity, create beings whom he already knows aren't going to make the cut?

God the Omnibenevolent
Omnibenevolence is another characteristic that Christians have given their god.  It doesn't seem plausible to me that a being, with this much home baked goodness, can idly sit back and watch the pain and suffering plaguing our planet.  God is supposed to be omnipotent, which means that he can prevent evil.  If God chooses not to prevent evil, then he can't be all loving.

God the Omnipresent
God is said to simultaneously occupy every part of the universe.  There are scriptures in the Bible that claims otherwise...

  • Genesis 3:8 says - "And they heard the voice of the Lord God  walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden."

Adam and Eve hid themselves pretty well, because in the next verse, God asks "Where art thou?" If God is everywhere, why would he need to walk anywhere?  If God is also omniscient, why didn't he know where Adam and Eve were hidden?

  • Genesis 4:16 says - "And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden."

Apparently God does not dwell in the land of Nod, since Cain was able to be out of his presence there.

  • Genesis 11:5 says - "And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded."

If God is present everywhere, there would have been no need for him to "come down".

God the Perfect and Flawless
How can God be perfect and flawless, if many of the things he created are imperfect?  How can perfection create imperfection?  If God created man perfect, then how did man succumb to sin?  Also; how can man improve upon some of God's creations?  How are we able to make some foods taste better and more nutritious?  When babies are born with birth defects, (Siamese twins for example), man will sometimes step in and repair the damage as best as he can. In fact, science always seems busy fixing many of God's blunders.

© 1998 Derrick Miller

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