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Name: Richard R. Smuin
Comments: I believe the last count of Christian Churches in the world is around 37,000. They all teach from the Bible and all teach different doctrine. Some teach baptism by immersion, some by sprinkling and some don't baptize at all. And they all condemn each other for their belief on baptism. They, for the most part bash each other and try to dismantle any church who does not agree with their own very, very perverted and bad interpretation of the Bible. The Bible has been changed over the centuries by corrupt Catholic monks as they copied the manuscripts. Look at the TV Evangelists today. Benny Hinn, Jimmy Swaggart and others. They make me sick. They are not only charlatans but great comics also.

The Bible is the most misused and misunderstood book ever written. It has been used to justify all manner of impropriety, wickedness, and falsehood. Every spiritual fraud ever perpetrated in the history of Judaism or Christianity has claimed support from the Bible. On the authority of the Bible the Jews crucified Christ, stoned Stephen, and imprisoned and beat the Apostles. With the Bible as justification Paul persecuted Christians "unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women. After the death of the Apostles the Bible was taught by the authority of the whip and the sword. To the Reformers it became the source of priesthood authority and the final will and testament of their mute God.

July 5, 2003 19:23:50 (GMT Time)

Name: Billy Dean
Comments: Joined the ring a few weeks ago, and thought I'd visit the other sites as time allows yto say hello and browse around. Like you, I am a fan of science fiction, Star Trek and astronomy. I also enjoy the Eastern "wisdom" if not the violence of KFTLC. And, like you, I went in the front door of religion and out the back. Just can't believe that without a god, you can't be good. I'm still open to all sorts of stuff, (except Christian theology and a few other ideas and practices that seem pretty much full of horse pucky to me). But I am willing to run it all through the filter of reason and experience. Life, for me, is more like a journey of questions and associated "operational attitudes than rigid answers. I just don't see any place in the universe where I can stand and judge everything else in any absolute way. Thanks for the visit. You've got an interesting web site. You'll find some of my explorations at my web site...

July 5, 2003 00:53:02 (GMT Time)

Name: Susan
Comments: Wooow!! Hooray!! I really love your site! You did a very good, comprehensive job on your site! You were able to explain exactly how I felt as an Atheist that I didn't know how to explain for myself. I don't know if you've considered this, but I've always thought that if God was an Almighty One, and had infinite power, why does Satan and Hell exist? Couldn't God have the power to "smote" them if he were so strong? But of course, he's got to leave them there for people he doesn't like, eh? ^_^ Thanks again for such a GREAT site!!

June 26, 2003 5:27:58 (GMT Time)

Name: gilbert
Comments: Your site is very interesting and 100% agree with your analyze. There is also a very interesting French book who explain that religious belief is a consequence of how our brain works.
this (and every day church brain washing) explain that in our relative advance scientific society, two thousand years old belief still survive !
I m not surprise that Christian believer even reject solid scientific arguments. Very illogical! would say mister Spock from Star Trek series !! Only a few people are able to renonciate to their belief after a logical analyze of facts and arguments. Too beautiful and idyllic to be true, Christianity became suspect for a lot of people. Keep that way, smart thinking help find the truth.
(sorry for my bad english i m french).

June 16, 2003 13:54:48 (GMT Time)

Name: Mikekk67
Comments: Really cool site! It's nice to have someone who was a Christian disprove all that because as you said, probably over 80 or so percent of Christians don't read the whole Bible so why would any reasonable Atheist want to waste their time in doing so? I wouldn't read that book and I'm glad that you were able to pull out all those quotes. Don't pay attention to the stupid replies by the angry Christians. Why is it that they always are the ones leaving the snotty replies like "have a good life" or "God loves you?" Tsk. Tsk. The truth will set them free, keep up the good work.

June 8, 2003 13:08:54 (GMT Time)

Name: Malefactor Bingebot
Homepage: http://dont have one
E-Mail: dont have one
Comments: Interesting about the 10 commandments, I didn't know that. I think some of your arguments are weak but others are pretty good. If Jesus did turn the water into wine, then that qualifies as a miracle, healing the blind back in the day qualifies as a miracle.
Even though babies are born everyday, hell, I think that's still a bloody miracle. Think about it. I bang my ol lady's monkey and blow my skanky wad in there and hell, nine months later, a person comes tearing outta that hole screaming all to be damned and covered in toe-cheese. "hey, anyone bring some crackers to dip in that shit?"
But seriously, I think Zecharia Sitchen's "Earth Chronicles" would help resolve the issue of creation and science, because the dirty 'truth' is:
drumroll please...........
They are both true - but you have to combine them to make it to make sense.
Think: you say we share the same ancestors as primates.,,, ewwww, weeell, you're kinda right - see - we share some combination of their DNA with the DNA of our gods. We were bread to be workers. Smart enough to take orders and entertain our gods, but dumb enough not to demand adequate compensation. They fucked us with a short ass life span and left behind some instructions that also got fucked up. BOOM! Religion is born.
Don't make the arrogant mistake of thinking that evolution of life forms began with us and our planet - we're millions and millions if not billions of years behind in the game - we jumped on in mid stream but only because 'they' came down to earth and set up a big ass lab experiment and made us. Think: we share a lot of the same behaviors of primates as well as DNA and ancestors. we are 1)territorial 2)extremely violent 3) hate others not of our 'kind' (this is natural and impossible to overcome) 4) become incensed when eye-contact is made with the same gender. 'They' knew we would be a problem so they left us instructions to show us how to 'get along' and stay healthy.
Our gods are aliens my friends, they were here before us and they left us behind because to them we're trash and prattle. I hope I will see them one day, our imperfect gods. I hope they care about us. I want to go to my true home with them. I hope they love us.

June 6, 2003 22:10:39 (GMT Time)

Name: Chase
Homepage: http://n/a
Comments: Seems to me if you're really going to take a scientific approach to 'debunking', that you would to that with all 'religion' not just sling mud at Christians. You come off as just another 'dime-a-dozen' angry hate-monger. Do have a good life.

June 6, 2003 21:18:34 (GMT Time)

Name: Grateful Ed
Comments: Nice site, keep up the good work..

June 5, 2003 14:23:29 (GMT Time)

Name: Jesse
Comments: I enjoyed reading your sight! I really feel most people are just to damn afraid not to believe, or to ignorant and gullible. I was raised a Southern Baptist and as I went through life [I am 48 yrs. old] I realized that the stories in the Bible were just that-- stories. People need to study up on how religions came about in the world long before the Bible was written and I think they would see that god is as man made as autos. It is so ingrained in our society that I don't think it will ever go away. There's this girl I used to go to school with that had a brain tumor, the doctors were able to operate and get most of it and she is fine so far, but she swore that god was watching over her and that's why she made it through surgery, I told her that if a god was watching over her she wouldn't have to had the operation in the first place!! I don't think she liked that but she could have given science and the doctors credit instead of some myth. I really hate the way they take children and fill their heads with this bunk, to me they are taking this child's mind and not allowing him or her to think on their own, after all religion is learned, we are all born atheists and would stay that way if theists would just leave us alone and keep their ridiculous myths to themselves. Keep up the good work!

June 2, 2003 3:29:48 (GMT Time)

Name: John
Comments: It sounds as though most of your grievances are against Christians rather than God. I don't think you should really judge a Deity by his followers. Christians make mistakes and screw up just like everyone else.

May 26, 2003 10:51:23 (GMT Time)

Name: Ken
Comments: I too was raised a Baptist and was always amazed by the contradictions I saw. We need more people offering bulls**t repellent, meaning common sense, so keep up the good work.

May 25, 2003 10:49:13 (GMT Time)

Name: Nicole
Comments: I have to say, I have made a journey much like your own in a shorter period of time (I'm only 17). I am a Cradle-Catholic, brought up by two very over-zealous, "yay Jesus" parents. I was very much into the Catholic Religion until my priest fired our youth minister and dismissed 16 volunteers for questioning sexual acts between he and our adult male organist. I started to question and realized that everything I believed in, I believed because I was told to. When I started to vocalize my questions, I was rebuked, and told that education is not the answer, ignorance, aka blind faith is. The largest factor driving me from the Christian church, is the hypocrisy of the Christians themselves. Anyone wanting to spread the "Love of Jesus" should learn that calling someone a bastard isn't the correct way to spread love. My major fault in Judeo-Christian religion is that it promotes ignorance. My Father actually told me, "I've never met anyone too dumb to love Jesus, but I have met people too smart." Doesn't that say something in itself?

May 19, 2003 17:20:10 (GMT Time)

Name: Mark
Comments: Brilliant site!!!! you certainly know your stuff and i have learnt a lot from you!!! Would recommend you watching the film DOGMA, as it seems to be driving at the same things you are. God or not, religion is for the most part, harmful to man. You have spoken to me in my own language, a language of love and of hate, Fear and also Hope. Your site serves you well.

May 15, 2003 21:47:55 (GMT Time)

Name: bob
Comments: I think that your site is very poorly set up have studied the bible and know how to interpret the bible though you have brought up very many controversies about the catholic religion which I have to say are true ve them ation and maybe gifor the most part. I think that the new testament which is the only book of the bible actually written by Christians is so unclear because monks copied the bible over and over for thousands of years. It is sort of like the game telephone were u start with a phrase and end the game with something totally different, well that is what some think happened to the bible. so next time u decide to go on a rampage and insult a religion find the basics even though the details are nice to know. also the bible was written down over all those years in all capital letters with no spaces which may also make it hard to interpret so maybe u will take all that into consideration and be amazed at the fact that over thousands of years we still have a bible that can still reflect the love that go shares with everyone.

May 2, 2003 20:47:03 (GMT Time)

Name: mark
Comments: Spirits are speaking in my dreams and other ways. I
wrote it down. Please see
Was visited by a holy spirit. Do you think computers
are an interactive link between the biospheres?

April 24, 2003 18:44:32 (GMT Time)

Name: Jenni Foreman
Comments: I think u are an ass, and just because u can't feel loved, u try to make others feel that way too. U are the types of people, we as Christian believers need to pray for.
I will pray each day for you to learn to grow up. may Gods love be there for you u bastard

April 18, 2003 20:54:24 (GMT Time)

Name: Jessica
Comments: Very interesting site, will be back. Thanks. :)

April 18, 2003 4:07:32 (GMT Time)

Name: Sam
Comments: Hi ya Derrick. I've read your site pretty thoroughly. I hope u don't just dismiss this comment. U shouldn't really question some of the stuff god does. He didn't make any brain capable of knowing the reason behind the weird stuff he does. Otherwise you might aswell be a god yourself. Not believing in him and questioning him shows how little faith and weak some people are. Religion is messed up, but god isn't. I'm not religious at all by the way. But I'm pretty sure he exists. His lack of proof of existence is so obviously a test to c how strong people actually believe in him/or not.

April 17, 2003 12:51:27 (GMT Time)

Name: kely
Comments: Hi, I loved this site. You know, I have really been strugglin over this whole god debate. It's very depressing when you come to the conclusion that you don't believe in something some guys in the middle east came up with a few thousand years ago and nearly everyone in your home town is walking around with these glistening crosses around their necks. It makes me feel very isolated and scared for the future with such fundamentalism arising on all sides - especially here in America. So I just wanted to say, thanks for your easy-to-read site, and for your conversion to the non-believers, and for providing a space wherein we can meet and see that others don't believe in Jesus, that we're not alone, that there are more out there, and that they are growing. Best wishes, kely PS - How come the Bible never mentions Dinosaurs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 22, 2003 14:27:05 (GMT Time)

Name: Terence Loftus
Comments: I only have one slight issue with your site. If a person thinks that identifying themselves as an agnostic will be more acceptable to the public at large, think again! I recently was involved in an on line debate about this subject & saying I was agnostic didn't make me or my arguments any more acceptable to the theists. Thanks for a great site. Terry
March 2, 2003 02:33:11 (GMT Time)

Name: Africa Dejeesus
Comments: This is a really cool website, exploring many points against Theism. Two thumbs up!
Febuary 27, 2003 00:47:17 (GMT Time)

Name: Jim Minnix
Comments: Can't remember the author, but someone a lot smarter than I once said, "The only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing; AND I'M NOT EVER SURE ABOUT THAT" ! GROK ON BRO'!
Febuary 20, 2003 20:46:58 (GMT Time)

Name: H. Jones
Comments: As a PK (preacher's kid), I ALWAYS had a problem with the "Land of Gnod". Being inquisitive, I would ask my father, deacons and other "men of God" and always got idiotic responses (mostly doing with "just have faith" crap). I also agree with you about Christian people being hypocrites. I watch these Christians cuss, fornicate, gossip, smoke marijuana and cigarettes, drink copious amounts of alcohol, etc., etc. These are the same people who constantly tell me that "I need Jesus in my life," and "You need to go to church young man". Oh well, I am a happy heathen. It is also humorous when a non-believer is more knowledgeable about the Bible than the "true believers". I also like the Jerry Falwell types saying that the Koran is a book full of evil and atrocities; obviously Jerry has skipped over the Old Testament.
January 24, 2003 03:04:31 (GMT Time)

Name: lisa
Comments: I have been reading your entire site and it really feels so good to know I am not alone .. its been my belief that man created god not god created man for a very long time. Your humor is just wonderful. I also like that you point out how blood thirsty the god of the bible can be .. which is something else I believe ..that more evil has been done in the name of some GOD then for any other reason.
December 31, 2002 00:21:35 (GMT Time)

Name: Max Stout
Comments: would love to submit my story but it is several pages long. It can be found on my website. on the link MY STORY
December 12, 2002 07:49:32 (GMT Time)

Name: Anitra Freeman
Comments: Hello from the new ring manager of "Leaving Born-Again Fundamentalist Christianity." You have a good resource here -- I'm glad you're part of the ring. My grandmother was a member of a Bible sect so dogmatic that they considered Jehovah's Witnesses to be back-sliding apostates. My mother was a mystic. My father was an atheist humanist. I have had great fun all my life in working out my own beliefs from those strong influences. I'm happy with what I have now, but I think that fundamentalists, mystics, and atheists all disown me. :-) My main concern is that human beings make up their own minds instead of buying one off the rack, and I think you set a good example. Write On! Anitra
December 8, 2002 11:18:14 (GMT Time)

Name: Paul Jacobsen
Comments: I've just been reading the articles on your site. I run a skeptical site myself, Check it out if you like. By the way, Dr. Hugh Ross has an interesting way to read Genesis. (Not that I believe it...) But his theory is that God created all of the universe on the first day, and that the sun and stars merely became visible to the Earth's surface on day 4. I know it seems like a stretch, but he mixes in all kinds of references to the original language to show how (supposedly) the translations we read don't convey the correct meaning. I know its a stretch. An attempt to fit the obvious facts to the Bible that is believed to have to be right. But at least it is interesting.
November 17, 2002 03:05:48 (GMT Time)

Name: Sam Owens
Comments: For the first six years of my life, my parents were together. Notice I didn't say happy, as I think that also relates to why I believed in it. Life was pretty good until they separated, divorced, and went their separate ways. My father was a liberal Christian by that point, and my mother was a fundamentalist- considering my luck, imagine which person I got to live with? Don't get me wrong, I loved my mother (still do), but I don't think it was healthy to live in that kind of mentality. I was very certain of my beliefs, even experienced a kind of "religious experience" (hypnosis) for a while, but it never worked out. I tried harder and harder to please god, and always feeling like I was dirt. Circular guilt, that seems to be common in that religion. Heaven was non-existent for me, and hell seemed very likely. To feel better, I went door to door trying to spread the "good news". Nothing worked, and I felt worse and worse.
November 8, 2002 00:51:06 (GMT Time)

Name: J'iya
Comments: I am commenting on the section that you call "Other arguments". Although I will agree with you that most of the subjects you covered are a skeptics paradise, there is one that I feel needs to be covered. The section on psychics and astrology. I am not by any chance a firm believer in psychics, although I have witnessed things that defy normal explanation (at least to myself anyway). There have been documented cases of twins not raised together for the majority of their lives, reuniting after years, who share a parallel existence. such as naming their children the same names, driving the same make, model and, color automobile, having husbands or wives with the same names, or whose spouses look remarkably alike, etc. I personally am a niece to twin aunts, and they have for the latter part of their lives lived in different states and at times different countries ( one is a military wife). Yet there are uncanny goings-ons between the two.
October 16, 2002 05:40:37 (GMT Time)

Name: Ron Toon
Comments: Like your page. Looks like a lot of work for a one-man effort. When I have more time, I'll be back. Thanks for bringing some truth to the world. I do the same in another venue. Ron
October 16, 2002 04:50:08 (GMT Time)

Name: Mike S.
Comments: With regards to your "Other Skepticisms", you should also consider another fact about UFOs and other intelligent life forms. I, like you, accept a possibility of us not being the only (intelligent) life in this galaxy or others. But I bring this point: Given the time scale of the universe(s), it is possible that intelligent life, or unintelligent life, has already existed and gone extinct. Mankind's existence is only measurable in the 1000s of years at this point. Life on other planets could have come in and out of existence numerous times in the billions of years science knows to have already passed. How long are humans expected to survive on this planet? Another point, regarding alien contact is this: If by chance another intelligent life form exists at THE SAME TIME as humanity, their discovery of people is quite improbable. In a 3-D existence, there are INFINITE directions to look and explore and infinite directions to look and find nothing at all. Finding alien life, or it finding us, gives new meaning to finding the needle in the haystack. An infinite haystack does not easily reveal it's needle. Thanks for letting me share, and consider adding these points to your other skepticisms.
October 12, 2002 06:25:11 (GMT Time)

Name: Harry van Schalkwijk
Comments: I Like your site !
October 11, 2002 18:29:58 (GMT Time

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